50CAN Vision Guides

A colorful series of travel guides to the future of education

50CAN is a nonprofit network of local leaders in the U.S. advocating for a high-quality education for all kids, regardless of their address.

Each of the local teams within the 50CAN network created local visions for the public education system of tomorrow. They looked at the progress made in the past decade, spoke with hundreds of students, teachers, parents and concerned citizens, and created detailed maps of all the educational choices students should have from birth through graduation day.

This was a fun one. Myself along with illustrator Justin Karas, Farah Khan and Eveline Lupien at House9 developed these guides in great collaboration with 50CAN. The result, as described by 50CAN, is “a stunning suite of policy visions presented in a unique way: as travel guides to the future of education.“

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